When you see the error message “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine” appear on your computer this usually means that you don’t have the required hardware to support Direct3D Feature Level version 10.0. Your graphics card might have an outdated driver or you might have a corrupt DirectX installation. Listed below are the troubleshooting steps you need to do to fix this problem. The DirectX runtime version information can be found under System Information in the System tab.The first thing you will need to do in this case is to verify what version of DirectX your computer is using. Your graphics card does not support Feature Level 10.0.Your operating system needs to be updated.Your graphics card drivers are outdated.If the feature level 10_0 (10.0) is not showing among the Feature Levels entries inside DirectX Diagnostic Tool then it could be because of the following reasons: To check if your graphics card can support the required feature levels, go to the Display tab under Drivers and see which Feature Levels are supported by your graphics card.